It is now official within the city limits of Seattle, landlords will soon be barred from excluding people with criminal records from renting their property; ...
In Washington state crimes are broken down into two main types – misdemeanors (misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors) and felonies (Class A – C). Misdemeanor cases ...
An interesting article in the Seattle Times today outlines why the Seattle City Attorney’s decision to change the name of a certain crime has caused ...
Always seemingly on the cutting edge of policing, the Seattle Police Department (the “SPD“) recently launched a Bias/Hate Crime Data dashboard, which is, of course, timely ...
Earlier this month, Governor Jay Inslee signed into law an alcohol ‘good Samaritan’ rule, which grants those under 21 years of age immunity from criminal ...
Even attorneys can be criminally charged; attorneys are not immune from criminal allegations. Case in point – a Bellevue attorney, George Atwater, was recently charged ...