Domestic Violence, Protecting Your Rights

In Washington State, domestic violence related allegations are extremely pervasive. Outside of DUI charges, domestic violence related crimes are probably the most widely filed criminal charge in our Washington State district and municipal courts. Many alleged domestic violence situations result in not just one, but multiple charges being leveled against an accused. It is extremely common… Continue Reading »

Fighting a Seattle DUI

Being involved in a DUI case can be frightening, stressful, and financially draining. To successfully fight a Seattle DUI, you must find an experienced attorney who has a complete understanding of the DUI laws in Washington State, and who is willing to represent your case in a professional manner. Being convicted of a DUI in… Continue Reading »

Protocols and Principles, a Difference Maker

In Washington State DUI cases police officers are not only required by law to follow specific “protocols” but are also required to follow state and federal constitutional principles when making a DUI stop and/or arrest. The following are but a few examples of the protocols and/or principles that law enforcement officers must follow. First, a… Continue Reading »

Drinking and Driving? You Have Been Targeted!

Washington State Patrol’s “Target Zero” campaign kicked off in earnest on July 1, 2010. Target Zero is a DUI emphasis patrol campaign which involves three dozen law enforcement officers and a group of traffic prosecutors from the Washington State Counties of King, Pierce and Snohomish; the program was ushered in with a five million dollar grant from… Continue Reading »

Accused of domestic violence?

In Washington State a call to police regarding an allegation of domestic violence can lead to significant and immediate consequences – consequences that may never have been intended by the 911 caller or even by the alleged victim, if different from the caller. Once a person has been accused of domestic violence in Washington State,… Continue Reading »

The Disorder Caused by No Contact Orders

Domestic violence is a pervasive and extremely serious criminal allegation in Washington State. The sheer seriousness of domestic violence related crimes in Washington State often results in voluminous probationary conditions being imposed on those convicted of domestic violence. One such condition that is routinely imposed by Washington State courts is a No Contact Order. A… Continue Reading »

Can I get a job with a DUI??

A DUI arrest in Washington State can potentially have a very significant impact on one’s employment status, especially if driving is part of one’s job duties. Even if it is not part of one’s job duties, and the person simply needs to drive to and from work, a DUI arrest in Washington can have devastating… Continue Reading »

Impact of a Criminal Conviction – it can hurt your bottom line

If you have been, or you are facing the prospect of being, convicted of a crime in Washington State, you may be curious to know whether you will be able to find gainful employment or quality housing. Employers and rental property owners are becoming increasingly more concerned about knowing whether applicants have criminal records. Undoubtedly part… Continue Reading »

Oh Canada … Oh Canada … Why won’t you let me in??

The Canadian Immigration and Refugee Act (hereinafter referred to as, the “Act”) legislates who is authorized to enter and/or travel into the great white north — Canada. Under the Act, no person who has been deemed to have committed an “Indictable Offense” may enter Canada unless he has been found to have been “Rehabilitated.” Even… Continue Reading »

Don’t be Identified – Avoid Identity Theft

One of the most common white-collar crimes in Washington State is identity theft. It should go without saying, identity theft in Washington State is considered a very serious crime; often an identity theft allegation results in criminal charges being filed in the federal (not state) court system. Identity theft can happen in many different ways, but… Continue Reading »