Earlier this week King County Executive Dow Constantine announced the commencement of a nationwide search for our next King County sheriff. Regardless of this move, the current King County sheriff refuses to resign. Previously, King County’s sheriff was an elected position decided by voters. However, a slew of charter amendments approved during 2020’s election changed all that. Now the County Executive has the authority to appoint the sheriff for King County. The goal is to ensure accountability in our Sheriff and the sheriff’s office as a whole. The intent is to seize the moment and create positive change to our county policing.
The current King County sheriff’s term is set to expire at the end of this year, and on January 1, 2022, a newly appointed interim sheriff will head up the department until a full-time candidate takes his/her place. The open position was posted on Monday. King County has reached out to the leadership firm POLIHIRE to head up the recruitment process. The hope is to have this all wrapped up by the summer of 2022.
We shall see how it all plays out. Clearly policing in King County is slotted to take a different path. How quickly that can happen is yet to be seen. Change is tough, but in this instance it has been deemed necessary in the wake of the social justice movement.
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