Beware, the I-5 corridor in south King County is being more heavily patrolled by the Washington State Patrol due to a series of seemingly random highway shootings. The emphasis patrols also include the Auburn and Kent Police Departments who, along with the WSP, will be looking for ‘vehicles of interest’. The hope is that by creating a robust presence on I-5, law enforcement will be better able to quickly respond to any gun related incidents occurring on or near I-5. The emphasis patrols were initiated because there have been a spat of calls regarding ‘shots fired’ on I-5. No one has been injured, but vehicles have been damaged. There isn’t any evidence that the gun fire is related, thus the shootings – at this time – are presumed random. The cause and effect, however, is that I-5 (at least in the south end) is going to have higher levels of patrol and oversight by law enforcement for the foreseeable future. The increased patrols, no doubt, won’t just be netting gun shot cases; presumably anyone violating our ‘rules of the road‘ will be cited. So, folks, drive carefully and be kind to your fellow motorists.
If you or a loved one is in a bind as a result of a traffic citation, gun related, or otherwise, immediately contact a Seattle Traffic Attorney. A traffic lawyer is not going to judge you and understands that everyone makes mistakes. Hiring a Seattle traffic Lawyer to help can – at a minimum – reduce penalties and can help direct people on how to best deal with their citation, and many times even get them dismissed. So, it should go without saying that someone cited for a traffic infraction, misdemeanor or felony should hire a qualified Seattle Traffic Lawyer as soon as possible. Traffic citations can cause havoc on a person’s personal and professional life. Anyone cited for a traffic related issue in Washington State should immediately seek the assistance of a seasoned Seattle Traffic Lawyer. SQ Attorneys can be reached at (425) 359-3791 and/or (206) 441-0900.