A Seattle Times editorial came out this week regarding diversity issues within the ranks of the Washington State Patrol (the “WSP”). The editorial, in short, postulated that the WSP needs to be more diverse, and that the diversity problems of the WSP stem from the psychological exam given to candidates. According to the editorial piece, the WSP should use more psychologists to administer and/or interpret the test results obtained from the candidate pool.
For 27 years only one psychologist has screened the exam results; this man has shockingly controlled the entire makeup of the WSP over that period of time. As a result, the WSP has lacked much needed diversity, as demographics of the WSP have not changed in approximately two decades – currently 87% of the WSP troopers are white, according to a U.S. Department of Justice Survey. Washington State itself is now 68% white, says the survey.
The editorial posits that simply adding consultants, brand managers and recruiters isn’t enough to proverbially ‘right the ship’ … the fix is in the exam’s evaluation process; reform it and hire more psychologists. What do you say? Do you feel expanding the number of reviewers would help diversify WSP’s ranks? One thing is for certain, it couldn’t hurt. As the saying goes, ‘what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.’
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