With the continuous civil strife going on, there has been a huge push for police accountability in Washington State. One mechanism to accomplish this goal ...
It appears that amid all of the chaos resulting from Seattle politics and the social justice movement, folks are choosing to take matters into their ...
On Wednesday it was announced by the ‘powers that be’ that the Seattle Police Department is beginning the process of reassigning 100 officers and supervisors ...
Law enforcement is at it again – Emphasis Patrols. This time it is the Washington State Patrol. In line with other law enforcement agencies in-and-around ...
This week the Seattle City Council unanimously passed an ordinance that is intended to stop police from being able to deceive juveniles – the MiChance ...
TV shows like “Cops” and “Live PD” have always been viewing generators. However, due to the current political/ social climate, channels like the A&E Network ...
Is law enforcement in Washington getting close to not enforcing non-violent crimes? That is what one Texas police association president is asking officers to do ...