Many folks we meet with for domestic violence related crimes ask, ‘what is this Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment (‘DVPT’) program the prosecutor keeps talking about?’ Well, in Washington State if a person gets convicted at trial for a domestic violence related crime, that person will most likely be required to attend and complete a certified DVPT program.

DVPT programs are privately run, and are certified by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS). The DSHS are authorized to set specific standards that the DVPT programs are required to meet in order to become and remain certified; state regulations require DVPT programs to cover certain topics, such as techniques to be non-abusive and non-controlling, the necessity of meeting financial obligations to family members, and the different forms that abuse can take, including physical, emotional, and sexual abuse.

Additionally, Washington’s regulations require that the DVPT programs be at least 26 consecutive weekly sessions, of at least 90 minutes each, and that sessions be single-gendered and have between two and twelve participants. After the program has determined that a participant has completed the weekly sessions, participants are allowed to transition into monthly sessions, which are required to go for at least another six months. This means that every program has to be, at minimum, one year long. That is a long commitment for anyone, let alone someone who knows they are not guilty of the domestic violence crime they are alleged to have committed.

It should go without saying, but if you or a loved has been arrested for a domestic violence related crime in Washington State immediately contact a Seattle domestic violence criminal defense attorney to protect your rights and interests. The Seattle domestic violence criminal defense attorneys that make up the criminal defense team of SQ Attorneys are highly qualified and reputable Seattle domestic violence criminal defense lawyers that are dedicated to providing top notch, aggressive representation for those arrested for crime all across Western Washington and the Greater Puget Sound region. The team creates success by working with law enforcement and the prosecuting attorney’s office to ensure that all facts and circumstances related to the criminal allegations are considered in creating the fairest, most equitable and just resolution possible in light of all the surrounding circumstances of the given case. So, whether cited for domestic violence related malicious mischief, assault, property destruction or some other crime, protect yourself … call SQ Attorneys immediately.