In domestic violence cases it is immeasurably important to understand the full context of the parties’ relationship. The relationship itself often tells a story, and paints a picture of the actual situation giving rise as to why police were called in the first place. Rarely is it as simple as someone hit their loved one. As they say, it takes two to tango. This is not to say that there are not unprovoked blatant abusers in the world, there most certainly are … and they are undoubtedly very dangerous people. But in reality, those types of cases are the exception, not the rule. Unfortunately, however, every domestic violence related case seems to error on the side of the accused being a blatant, unfettered, unwieldy abuser, and that if not stopped will abuse again and again. It is a label that is slapped on with super glue and most assuredly is exceedingly difficult to remove.
Rarely, on their own, do the police or the prosecutor evaluate or consider relationship dynamics in a DV case. This is so because of time constraints and good old-fashioned fear. That is right, fear. Just think of the egg on the government’s proverbial face if they took no action and someone was subsequently harmed. In the government’s eyes there needs to be an immediate “break in the action” so as to ensure the safety of the parties and any other folks who may be present. By a ‘break in the action’ we mean the arrest of the deemed ‘aggressor’, and although we as a nation claim that we follow the principle of “the presumption of innocence”, anyone who practices in the arena of criminal law sadly can tell you it seems to be more of a concept than a reality. So who has the brush to actually paint the parties’ relationship picture? The defense attorney, that is who. And if done correctly, the accused may actually reacquire that touted presumption of innocence – the stigma of being an abuser removed and a Picasso appearing in its stead. Of course, there is a process to the defense attorney’s work; nothing happens immediately, but with time and hard work the parties’ relationship can be conveyed and a positive outcome can be achieved.
If you (or a loved one) find yourself facing a DV related criminal charge, it is infinitely important to immediately contact and hire a Seattle domestic violence attorney. The Seattle domestic violence attorneys that make up the criminal defense team of SQ Attorneys are highly qualified and reputable Seattle domestic violence lawyers that are dedicated to providing top notch, aggressive representation for those arrested for crime all across Western Washington and the Greater Puget Sound region. The team creates success by working with law enforcement and the prosecuting attorney’s office to ensure that all facts and circumstances related to the criminal allegations are considered in creating the fairest, most equitable and just resolution possible in light of all the surrounding circumstances of the given case. So, whether cited for domestic violence related assault, malicious mischief, property destruction or some other crime, protect yourself … call SQ Attorneys immediately at 206.441.0900.