Even though people in the United States are entitled to freedom from government intrusion, there is a limit to that privacy. Police officers are allowed, ...
All states have driving under the influence (DUI) laws that were enacted to help keep drivers, passengers, and the community safe. Did you know that ...
TV shows like “Cops” and “Live PD” have always been viewing generators. However, due to the current political/ social climate, channels like the A&E Network ...
When the police arrest someone, they take away that person’s fundamental right to freedom. As a result, there are several procedures the police must follow ...
Is law enforcement in Washington getting close to not enforcing non-violent crimes? That is what one Texas police association president is asking officers to do ...
A common question attorneys are asked, is whether a police officer can legally search ones vehicle. Typically, the answer is yes. This is usually dependent ...
Entrapment occurs when a government agent persuades or influences you to commit a crime that you otherwise would not have committed. Entrapment is a defense ...