Last month a report came out indicating that a good number of King County sexual assault cases (roughly 60%) resulted in defendants pleading down to ...
Catalytic converter theft has led to new bill being passed to thwart the problem. House Bill 2153 makes trafficking catalytic converters a Class C felony ...
Recently our Washington Senators voted to make harassment of election workers a felony. This happened three months after four county election officers received envelopes containing ...
Earlier this month the Washington State Legislature passed Senate Bill 6009 which would ban the police from hogtying suspects, classifying it as an ‘excessive ...
House Bill 1062 aims to make defendant’s statements inadmissible in court if police use deceptive tactics during interrogations to get those statements.
House Bill 1994, if passed, would permit judges to set conditions in lower-level cases (like minor drug possession and criminal tresspass) that won’t include jail ...
On December 4, 2023, The Kitsap County Board of Commissioners - like so many other Washington governmental bodies - approved a contract authorizing the Kitsap ...