Governor Inslee recently signed a new law that makes it more likely that anyone who runs a red light, speeds through a work zone or fails to stop at a crosswalk will be ticketed. The new law allows for cities and counties to deploy traffic cameras in more places so as to crack down on violators in the hopes of reducing traffic fatalities. The belief is that cameras do in fact have a cause and effect of forcing drivers to slow down. Before installing cameras, however, the governmental body at issue must gather data to justify deploying the technology at the desired location. The cameras may not take pictures of the faces of the drivers or the vehicle’s passengers. The cameras can only photograph the vehicle and its license plate. Starting in 2026 , the cities and counties using the cameras authorized must report: (1) the amount of revenue collected from violators and, (2) how that money was spent. The question one has ask is: are these new laws meant for safety or simply as an increased revenue stream?
If you or a loved one is in a bind as a result of a criminal charge (whether it is traffic related or otherwise), immediately contact a Seattle Traffic Attorney. A traffic lawyer is not going to judge you and understands that everyone makes mistakes. Hiring a Seattle traffic Lawyer to help can – at a minimum – reduce penalties and can help direct people on how to best deal with their criminal charge, and many times even get them dismissed. So, it should go without saying that someone cited for a misdemeanor or felony should hire a qualified Seattle traffic Lawyer as soon as possible. Criminal charges can cause havoc on a person’s personal and professional life. Anyone charged with a crime in Washington State should immediately seek the assistance of a seasoned Seattle traffic Lawyer. SQ Attorneys can be reached at (425) 359-3791 and/or (206) 441-0900.