Military Service Member Representation

The SQ Attorneys criminal defense team takes great pride in Military Service Member Representation and being “military friendly“.  The team aggressively and effectively defends service members in all branches of the United States Military – Marines, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Coast Guardsmen – who have been accused of committing crime in Western Washington. SQ Attorneys works to ensure that its military clients’ not only have their civilian rights and honor protected, but also their military rights and honor protected; being dishonorably discharged from the military carries with it an enormous stigma and can affect not only an individual’s personal life, but also his/her professional life.

The team at SQ Attorneys is intricately aware of what is at stake for military personnel if they are convicted of a crime.  Military members often face not only punishment from the civilian courts, but also punishment from their Command Unit. Many service members make careers out of their duty and service to our country; SQ Attorneys works tirelessly with its military clientele to ensure that they do not face the embarrassment, stigma and/or financial consequences a dishonorable discharge can cause to their personal and professional life.

SQ Attorneys understands that military service members are an important part of our countries’ fabric and core values. SQ Attorneys has the specific knowledge, military background and military acumen to protect its military clientele from the harsh penalties which invariably occur as a result of being criminally charged.  If you or a loved one in the military is facing a criminal charge in Western Washington, let the SQ Attorney Criminal Defense Team effectively advocate for all of your important rights and interests – it is far too important do otherwise.