As noted again and again in our blog posts, legislatures, law enforcement prosecutors and the judiciary are bullish on DUI crackdowns. Year after year our laws and their enforcement are aggressively imposed. It is clear that the continuing national problem of traffic fatalities due to DUI’s emboldens the government to continue their efforts to stem DUI’s.
Case in point, the high profile death of Indianapolis Colts linebacker Edwin Jackson and his Uber driver on February 4, 2018. Prosecutors in Indianapolis took swift and decisive action in filing felony charges against the other driver who is an illegal immigrant living in the US and who has twice been deported. The Guatemalan man, Manuel Orrego-Savala, was charged with driving while intoxicated and leaving the scene of the accident. The case is high profile not only for the fact that one of the victims was an National Football League player, but also because President Trump used the incident to double down on his fight to curb and eradicate illegal immigration, which has offended many around the nation.
If you or a loved one is accused of DUI, you should immediately consult with a qualified Seattle DUI lawyer. A qualified and respected Seattle DUI lawyer, among other things, can quite possibly save the aggrieved person thousands of dollars in court and insurance fees, the extent of loss of privilege to drive, and the amount of jail time to be served. We have said it before and will say it again, Washington DUI laws are far too complicated for any ol’ attorney to handle. Be smart and consult with a qualified and skilled Seattle DUI attorney when arrested for an alcohol and/or drug related DUI in Washington State.