The crime of stalking is the unwanted harassment or pursuit of another person that places a reasonable person in fear or causes them mental distress. ...
Oregon is set to decide, at least in one court, whether Oregon’s gun law approved by Oregon voters last November violates Oregon’s constitution. This ...
Have you ever pondered why some people seem to get intoxicated faster than others? The answer relies upon the science behind the metabolization of alcohol. ...
Will Washington follow California’s lead in creating a digital driver’s license? Currently California has implemented a pilot program where 1.5 million authorized residents can download ...
The United States government can deport any immigrant if they violate U.S. immigration laws. This applies to all immigrants, including: green card holders, Naturalized U.S. ...
Another good district court judge is moving up to Superior Court. Recently King County District Court judge E. Rania Rampersad was appointed to the King ...
Law enforcement agencies can tap your phone under specific circumstances. You probably will not know if law enforcement begins to target you for an investigation. ...
What are a person’s obligations if they happen to hit someone else’s property with their car? The answer lies in RCW 46.52.010. Under subsection (2) ...