As more marijuana producers move their plants indoors over the next two decades, the grow operations in Washington state are expected to need as much ...
On probation with the court for a DUI conviction? If so, you best ‘toe-the-line’. Washington State’s DUI laws require that a probation violation be dealt with ...
As states liberalize their marijuana laws, public officials and safety advocates worry that more drivers high on pot will lead to a big increase in ...
While the country discusses the troubling militarization of its police forces, drunk drivers in Washington should perhaps be worried about the recreational-ization of its State ...
Earlier this year a major change in Washington State DUI law occurred. The bill responsible for the change was SB 6413, which drastically altered what ...
Marijuana is casting an ever-thickening haze across NFL locker rooms, and it’s not simply because more players are using it.As attitudes toward the drug soften, ...