State and federal criminal statutes that include mandatory sentences require judges to impose identical sentences on all persons convicted of the same offense. Mandatory sentences ...
Imagine you were charged with a serious felony by your state prosecutor. You went to trial and, despite your attorney’s best efforts, twelve people didn’t ...
In many countries, authorities may take citizens and incarcerate them for months or years without charging them. Those imprisoned have no legal means by which ...
Evidence comes in four basic forms:1) Demonstrative evidence; 2) Documentary evidence; 3) Real evidence and 4) Testimonial evidence. Some rules of evidence apply to all ...
Terrorism has been a grave concern throughout the United States and around the world. Whether perpetrated by foreign nationals with a vendetta against the U.S. ...
After a criminal defendant is convicted or pleads guilty, a judge will decide on the appropriate punishment during the sentencing phase of a criminal case. ...