Technology strikes again! Recently, tracking software proved beneficial in nabbing a pair of suspected thieves; Seattle police officers were able to locate the two individuals ...
This past Wednesday the United States Supreme Court considered requiring police to get a search warrant before forcing drunken-driving suspects to have blood drawn in ...
The results are in, and we aren’t talking about election results. Recent holiday emphasis patrols netted 795 DUI arrests in King County, Washington. Statewide, a ...
The holiday season is once again upon us. And for law enforcement that means increased drunk driving patrols and more DUI investigations in and around ...
A domestic violence assault is considered to be any assault that occurs between family or household members, or between people who have, or have had, ...
In many Washington State DUI related cases, courts are now requiring that an ignition interlock device (hereafter, “IID”) be installed in the defendant’s vehicle as ...