The Washington State Patrol Target Zero program’s goals will be in full force and effect come Super Bowl Sunday. If your Super Bowl game plan involves ...
It appears that Washington is not the only state where DUI laws are being reviewed and rewritten to punish offenders. For instance, Louisiana Legislators are ...
Not all states are as tolerant of Marijuana as the states of Washington and Colorado. Missouri sophomore football player Dorial Green-Beckham found that out the ...
As everyone pretty much knows by now, in 2012 Washington state voters approved I-502 legalizing the possession of small amounts of marijuana, and directing the Liquor ...
Law enforcement personnel throughout our state have resumed Washington’s annual ‘holiday crackdown’. As of this past weekend emphasis patrols are in full force and effect. The Washington Traffic ...
The 2013 Washington Impaired Driving Work Group delivered a 152-page report on Monday of this week. The report suggested that Washington state should continue its ...