Thousands of Washingtonians saddled with a felony conviction are going to have their voting rights restored due to a recent bill signed by Governor Jay ...
Many types of criminal cases permit for the affirmative defense of self-defense. However, just because one may have a viable defense (such as self-defense) that ...
April 1, 2021 marked the beginning of a glorious opportunity for anyone saddled with a bench warrant in courts in and around Western Washington. This ...
Last week the United States Supreme Court expanded our federal constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. The esteemed court ruled that a person shot ...
Where once Seattle Municipal Court (‘SMC’) lagged behind on having virtual hearings, it is now taking the lead and doing almost all of its hearings ...
Can’t pay a traffic ticket? You may soon be in luck. Why? Because Washington State lawmakers recently proposed a measure that would prevent a driver’s ...
What is Reckless Driving? According to Washington State, Reckless Driving is ‘a willful and wanton disregard for the safety of person and/or property.’ Can speeding ...